Thursday, March 8, 2012

Charlotte Perkins Gilman - The Yellow Wallpaper

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a story about an intelligent young woman who is unhappy in her marriage, falls into depression and is then slowly hunted into insanity - by the ignorant treatment of the people surrounding her, especially her husband.

I believe that the woman hung herself in the end. She was a creative and intellectual woman with a vivid imagination. She had this idea of wanting to be free and being able to write and find peace with doing that. Her husband had more the idea of a conventional marriage, where the woman had to obey and, even though she was taken care for lovingly, still somehow treated like a little child, which is also very apparent in the story.

She was lonely and she had understood, after living in denial for way too long, that she would never be that woman that she wanted to be, as long as she was with her husband. He was it who drove her insane, with his thoughtlessness and misdiagnosis. Hanging herself was the last way out, she didn't know it any better.